申博菲律宾app has a long history of outstanding commitment and service to our clients, shareholders, and associates, as we firmly believe we must earn the utmost respect from these individuals. 申博菲律宾app believes it is important to share with the public our code of ethics and internal policies. They are designed and implemented to ensure 申博菲律宾app has superior corporate governance practices.
An important consideration for all companies today centers around corporate governance issues, primarily concerning companies' Board of Directors. The 申博菲律宾app Board is comprised of eight independent directors and two inside directors. We believe this provides a balance between outside perspective and knowledge of specific business issues impacting our Company.
Above you will find pertinent information regarding our code of ethics and corporate governance guidelines. On behalf of 申博菲律宾app and our Board of Directors, we hope this information answers any questions you may have and reassures you that our commitment to maintaining the trust of our clients, shareholders, and associates remains strong, now and in years to come.